Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Feral Fend for Themselves

Not long ago, in a galaxy quite near to here, it was May the Fourth. As bloggers, Kara and I were thrilled, a perfect holiday filled with all sorts of inspiration for us to illustrate. In the few days prior to the Fourth, we were in Kansas City, celebrating with friends by watching all six movies in one weekend. We had every intention of posting as soon as we got home. However, in this dual of the fates, we lost...

As we, the Feral women, are barely capable of keeping our own rooms habitable, we have not as of yet moved out of our parents house. So we were understandably concerned when the parents went on vacation for a week.

It all started with us coming back from Kansas City to Kara’s closet looking and smelling more like Dagobah than it usually does. Apparently, the upstairs bathroom had flooded while we were away.

For the rest of the week, we lived with all the contents of her closet strewn around the house, drying. This, obviously, required every fan we owned to be found and turned on in various places. There was no peace in the world in those days...

For the next few days as we scrounged for food and tried to make a party out of our time together, we were thwarted at every turn by the savages that decided to come live with us. Monstrous wasps and hairy centipedes were our only companions.

By the end of the week, we weren't just feral anymore. We were feral swamp women with no intention of letting our parents abandon us to fend for ourselves again anytime soon.  

- Katie

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Star Wars Day

Happy May the Fourth!! 

Ok, so we're a little late. Fair point. Our excuse involves flooding, wasps, spiders and giant hairy centipedes. More details to come, of course. But first, let us take a moment to bask in the awesomeness that is... 

Star Wars.

And here are a few of our favorite Star Wars related things that we think you'll enjoy.

Classic Star Wars Complaints!
Watch this, Maybe!
Cellos of the Dark Side
Stormtroopers Twerk?

How they should have ended... 
Episode I
Episode IV
Episode V
Episode VI
And HISHE bloopers...
And this...

And, finally the best of all... This

- The Sisters Kohrs

Monday, May 5, 2014

Lemme explain....

As you may have noticed, we've been super excited about May the Fourth. And it was awesome. We prepared all sorts of ideas for the May the Fourth post - which is still coming, by the way! However production was derailed by unexpected ridiculousness. Think of it this way, we get to celebrate May the Fourth even longer now!

Stay tuned!

- The Sisters Kohrs