Friday, April 11, 2014

So Now You Have Fan Girls...

Recently, I was delighted to find I had a text from my clever and beautiful four leafed clover of a friend, Eliza. It read, simply...


I was instantly struck by the loving and slightly murderous jealousy that often becomes such honest and close friendships as ours.

I quickly ran to my computer four days later to read said quote. The blog itself was a link to one of Mr. Grist’s comics, one which is particularly fantastic. The now famous in my own mind comment read, simply...


Eloquent, as always, Mr. Grist.

Then, giving into my feminine mind, I began to hyperanalyze.

This comment surprised me in the fact that it appeared as though Mr. Grist was surprised to be featured on a blog, as though he hadn’t been swarmed by fan girl posts before this. Was he ignorant of his rising fame? Was this him being humble and giving attention to his fans by commenting on even slightly obscure blogs? (No offence meant, Eliza, your blog is awesome and a wonderful hidden treasure. I can say this because the only people who read my blog are site spammers in Malaysia.)

Then, after a while, I realized. Jimmy Grist is not a superstar who has already been partially tainted by the evils of fame, he is an artist on the cusp of famousness. My wind-tossed willow tree friend and I have discovered him before he explodes into the world like a phoenix of artistness. We might be - dare I say it - the founders of his fan girl base?

This brought up a whole new set of questions to overthink. As an aspiring blogger myself, I wondered about Mr. Grist’s point of view. It must be at least amusing to have people adore you and your work and have total strangers want to marry you, though going out for coffee first might be prudent if you’re considering it, Mr. Grist.

Fan girls are a fearsome force to have on your side. Then I wondered if there is such a thing as fanboys... This thought disturbed me so I moved on quickly.

If, Mr. Grist, you were not aware of how awesome your work is, let me just say, get your head out of under that rock and smell the wildberries. Dinosaur Kid is wonderful. Also what do you think of having fan girls? Have we creeped you out yet? Because, if so, Mr. Grist, or if I may, Jimmy, mission accomplished. We will continue to follow your work with excited giggling and over exuberant discussions on the adventures of Dinosaur Kid and Octopus Kid as their lives are developed before our eyes.

Stay awesome, friend.

- Katie

i made the valentine with my left hand. pretty snazzy, huh