Sunday, May 11, 2014

Star Wars Day

Happy May the Fourth!! 

Ok, so we're a little late. Fair point. Our excuse involves flooding, wasps, spiders and giant hairy centipedes. More details to come, of course. But first, let us take a moment to bask in the awesomeness that is... 

Star Wars.

And here are a few of our favorite Star Wars related things that we think you'll enjoy.

Classic Star Wars Complaints!
Watch this, Maybe!
Cellos of the Dark Side
Stormtroopers Twerk?

How they should have ended... 
Episode I
Episode IV
Episode V
Episode VI
And HISHE bloopers...
And this...

And, finally the best of all... This

- The Sisters Kohrs

Monday, May 5, 2014

Lemme explain....

As you may have noticed, we've been super excited about May the Fourth. And it was awesome. We prepared all sorts of ideas for the May the Fourth post - which is still coming, by the way! However production was derailed by unexpected ridiculousness. Think of it this way, we get to celebrate May the Fourth even longer now!

Stay tuned!

- The Sisters Kohrs