Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So Eructation is an Awkward Word...

This is the story of how I became a belching legend.

A long time ago, a certain relative, who will remain nameless, taught me to burp on command.

Not very surprisingly considering my other interests as a child, this quickly spiraled out of control.

First came practicing the deep and guttural burps, which provided a great base for my new skill.

I practiced my alphabet, then moved to complete words.

And, on occasion, with some luck and Pepsi, I would manage semi-complete sentences.

I was a popular spectacle among the middle school boys.

Obviously, my family was less than thrilled about my weird party trick, but I’ve always held some pride in the fact that I can often out burp grown men.

But then, just the other day, I shocked and awed my family with a powerful eructation… that I have no memory of…

That was a bit disconcerting.

With great belches comes great responsibility.

- Katie

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