Saturday, December 14, 2013

Feral Birthday

Last weekend was my birthday and it was awesome.

All the talk of birthdays got me thinking back on past birthdays and how my opinion of them has changed over the years.

When I was little, birthdays were the coolest thing since edible play dough. Not only did you get presents but the day was supposed to be all about you. You even got a themed party, though I was never very good at them, plus I always thought giving away all those awesome party favors was weird. It was my birthday after all, wasn't I the only one who was supposed to get presents?

But then, something I like to call "The Bella Swan Syndrome" began when I got into highschool. Birthdays got very uncool. It was horrifying if anyone outside the family wishes me happy birthday and utterly humiliating if your teacher said in front of the class.

Over the years I've settled somewhere in the middle, birthdays are a little awkward but they can be fun. Since starting college, this is what usually happens...

- Katie 

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