Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Lost Decades

Back when I was in high school I was yelled at at a slumber party for not knowing who Kramer from Seinfeld was. This was not an isolated event. Similar displays of shock and horror have taken place centering around a particular gap in knowledge that Katie and I share. We missed the 80’s and the 90’s. (Though in Katie’s defence she wasn’t actually born in the 80’s.) So almost any pop culture reference to those decades will go over our heads. 

Usually when these types of situations arise it’s easiest to play along and pretend to know what someone is talking about.

However, whenever we are feeling brave or spiteful we might just confess.

After the initial shock wears off, lists of must see movies usually follow.

Now we didn’t miss everything. We totally saw Jurassic Park and…uh...Balto. And I had years of nightmares to prove it. From Jurassic Park, not Balto.

Recently we have gone back to catch a few of the movies from those decades.

Most of our energy has been spent on sci-fi. Over the last few weeks we’ve watched the first 3 Terminator movies, Predator, and all 4 Alien movies in 4 days.

 Here’s what we’ve learned so far-
1. You had to have watched some movies when they came out to really get them. Such is the case with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I watched it a few years ago and didn’t like it. No seriously, what was up with that movie? I was going to include a humorous drawing about it but I couldn't shake my general indifference toward that movie to even come up with anything. 

2. Sometimes movies don’t live up to the hype. Like Alien. For years people have told stories about the first time they ever saw it and how terrifying it was. Was it scary? Yes. Sort of. Was the terror the stuff of legends? No. 

3. The actors who play older roles in modern movies used to be young. I know, mind blown.

4. Sometimes the original awesomeness of the movie and the outdated cheesiness meld to make something very enjoyable. Yes Footloose, I'm talking about you. Leg warmers and 80's music here I come.

- Kara