Saturday, March 22, 2014

That Italy Story with the Shaver...

A long time ago, in a country far far away...

One time, we went to Italy. Lots of crazy things happened, which has made it tough to write about. There’s simply too much material.

But I, Katie, figure an embarrassing story is always a good place to start.

Let me set the scene. Italy, 2011, the city of Rapallo which sets its port near Margherita and Portofino... It’s the dream vacation.

Now picture a very small bathroom in a lovely villa at the top of a nearby mountain. The shower is barely big enough to fit in, let alone maneuver without putting your life in danger.

There are also no shelves in said mini-shower, so essentially you have to hold everything, shampoo, conditioner, soap, shaver...

In the typically graceful and poised action of shaving, I slipped. I caught myself and managed to not die and was especially relieved as the shaver had nearly sliced my lip. I laughed at the story that would have made.

As I finished up, I noticed my chin did feel a little funny, but thought nothing of it. Being basically blind without contacts, I went out to the living room where my siblings sat and I began to laugh about how I nearly died in the shower. They all gaped at me before laughing hysterically.

Thus, it came to pass that the very first text we sent home upon our arrival in Italy was a short and simple message...

Arrived safe and sound and Katie cut her chin shaving her armpits.

- Katie

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