Saturday, February 1, 2014

2013, Looking Back

Happy February First!!

Most people did their reflecting on 2013 a little closer to New Years. But if these posts were ever really on time, you’d think us predictable.

Overall, Kara and I are not terribly sad to bid 2013 goodbye.

Especially considering 2014 promises X-Men, Spiderman, another Hobbit and freaking Godzilla.

But we did learn a few things in 2013 that we’ll never forget.

1. The gas money spent on road trips from here to Kansas every other weekend is totally worth it.

2. Benedict Cumberbatch is amazing.

3. Writing about our lives is disturbingly enlightening.

4. The Legend of Zelda just keeps getting better.

5. The show Merlin is so good that watching all five seasons twice in one year isn’t just possible, it’s completely wonderful.

Here's hoping 2014 is even more awesome!

- The Sisters Kohrs

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