Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Feral Obsession

Kara and I tend to get really into things that interest us, which really isn’t all that surprising. A few years ago, I got really into the TV show Merlin on BBC which follows the legend of Arthur and Merlin.

Then last year, the fifth and final season began and I was very excited to start again. Kara and I had been chatting before I started the first episode, so when it started, she lingered a little to see what all the fuss was about, and ever since that night, she has been hooked.

Kara is going to hate me for telling you this, but what in particular hooked her was a certain character who is more than a lot attractive and is shirtless for the better part of the episode.

We then began to watch the entire season over again from the beginning, getting through whole seasons in a matter of weeks.

We had more free time then. 

Then it was over, which was heart wrenching and emotional... so like the emotionally healthy adults that we are, we dealt with our separation issues by forcing the show on our sister and brother and we’ve been watching it several nights a week ever since. 

Why do we love it so much? The characters are super loveable and the story is a really interesting spin on the classic legend and frankly, there are a lot of attractive guys.

So now we’re coming to the end of the series, again. I’ve seen almost all the episodes three times, several of them four times and a few of them five times. Even so, I still love it and I’m willing to bet there is going to be some serious emotional breakdownage happening when it’s finally all over and I have no one else to force it on.

- Katie

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