Sunday, December 29, 2013

Injuries of Mystery

Recently, I used some hand sanitizer and was instantly overcome by agonizing pain.

I had a cut on my hand.

And I don't know where it came from.

I often get mysterious cuts, but this one was oddly shaped, which got me thinking...

Where do they come from?

A logical person would probably say something like "I bumped it when in a rush and didn't notice until now" or something like that.

My train of thought went more like this...

But the truth? We may never know...

- Katie

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The WhoTanic Agreement

Last night, a verbal treaty was agreed upon. A war that has lasted several long years has come to an end that has left both sides wondering, was any of it really worth it?

A long, long time ago, it came to the world’s attention that I, Katie, had never seen Titanic.

At first it was just fun to shock people with this fact.

But then, Kara started insisting that I watch it, that it was an important experience for me.

Then it all morphed into a stubbornness contest, which is a dangerous thing amongst Feral Women. Kara decided she would find a way to make me watch it, and I decided it was a dumb movie designed to manipulate you emotionally and that people make their friends watch it just to see them cry like those people did when they watched it.

It’s become more and more dramatic and infamous over the years.

Then there’s the topic of Doctor Who. I’ve watched the show for years and have tried to get Kara to watch it, which she has always shut down with some emphasis. I think this is because Whovians can be pretty scary opinionated about it, myself included, plus if you’ve ever tried to explain it to a non-fan in a few sentences, it honestly sounds pretty lame.

(Kara - It looks lame and creepy and it’s irritating and emotionally manipulative that so many characters die. Also it just doesn’t interest me :)

These two wars have raged on for years, until last night when they collided in a surprising twist. Kara asked if we could watch Titanic for her birthday, which was Friday, by the way, and I returned with an offer. I would watch Titanic if she would watch all seven seasons of Doctor Who.

To my shock and dismay, she, with great hesitance, agreed.

As the reality of the deal we had just struck slowly sank in over the next few minutes, we both shuddered in the face of our future.

The wars were now over, but at what cost?

We watched Titanic last night, and I am proud to say I did not weep. It was emotionally manipulative, yes, but I reluctantly admit it was a good movie. Darn you, James Cameron and your confusingly broad and awesome skill at movie making… But that’s a post for another day.

The good part of my end of the deal, though, is that my suffering is mostly over. Now, I get to watch all of Doctor Who again with my very Anti-Whovian sister. This should be pretty interesting.

Unfortunately, the idea of Kara ever watching Who has always been completely ridiculous, so I’ve given her a lot of spoilers over the years. So I asked her what all she knows about Doctor Who.

Her response is as follows.

WARNING: The following contains some massive Doctor Who spoilers mixed with some very inaccurate ones.

Prepare yourself. 

- Katie

I've never seen a whole episode of Doctor Who. In fact I've only seen parts of maybe 4 or 5 episodes, mostly under duress. But living among several Who-ites I have overheard and been told a lot about Doctor Who. So based on the last several years this is what I know or think I know about Doctor Who.

1.Doctor Who is the last time lord and he travels around time with a companion who is almost always a young attractive girl who dies tragically. They have adventures.

2. The first doctor is Christopher Eccleston and he was only on for one season. He is more serious than the newer doctors. I know there was a huge love fest for him among my Who-ites and they had trouble adjusting to David Tennant after him. However after several seasons with light hearted doctors they may not love him as much as they used to.

3. Rose is the first companion and she was adored by all Who-ites. I think she dies or whatever in the 2nd season. There also could be some sort of unresolved romance between her and the doctor, but I’m not sure about that one.

4. David Tennant is the 2nd doctor and he is possibly the most loved. Honestly though, I’m not sure whether he or Matt Smith is the most popular, or if Who-ites are just fickle and after a little rage they always love the current doctor best. He is sort of nerdy and gangly and eccentric and crazy looking. I want to say he is only on for 2 seasons but it could be 3.

5. Time is a wibbly wobbly something or other.

6. Doctor Who travels in the Tartis which is a blue telephone box. It’s bigger on the inside then it is on the outside.

7. Doctor who’s main weapon is a sonic toothbrush. Each doctor’s toothbrush looks different. They are irritatingly overpriced to buy as gifts for Who-ites.

8. The Dalicks are the main villains of Doctor Who. They destroyed his planet and all the time lords. Every now and then they pop in and try and destroy everything. They have electronicy voices. They look sort of old school because they are from the original Doctor Who series and it became tradition not to change them.

9. Doctor Who has two hearts.

10. When Doctor Who “dies” he can regenerate. This was started because in the original series they would cast very old actors who would die. In theory he can only regenerate 12 times but because its so popular they have either found a loophole or discarded that rule. Whenever he regenerates he checks to see if he has red hair because he wants to be a ginger. He has never gotten that dream.

11. After Rose there are a series of companions whose names I don't know. There’s an older red headed lady and Harriet from Little Dorrit. There is some companion that appears in an episode as a different character before becoming a companion.

12. Colin Morgan from Merlin appears in one episode as an angsty teen and he is awesome.

13. Every british actor must be in at least 1 episode of Doctor Who. The fact that characters die willy nilly every episode makes this both possible and necessary.

14. The characters are witty.

15. Matt Smith is the current doctor. He always wears bow ties because they are cool. He is the youngest doctor who yet. He has either just died or will die soon.

16. Within the last few seasons there was a young, cute, redheaded companion who was wildly popular. Her name might be Amy Pond. She marries some guy who was sent back in time to like ancient Rome or something and had to live through hundreds of years of history to get back to her. They had their wedding night and the Tartis and had a time lord kid named River Song who married the doctor as an adult. She might have given up her powers to save him but I’m not sure about that. Amy Pond and husband have died or whatever recently.

17. The next actor they have cast is older and people have their doubts about him.

18. One of the newest companions is a brunette that looks more like she should be on the CW then doctor who. Apparently she has a super cool back story.

19. The 3d doctor who movie was awesome and the 3d was really good.

20.There are fixed points in time that can’t be changed.

21. Something mind blowing happened recently involving fixed points and it changed everything. Doctor Who may have gone back and saved his planet which supposedly was a fixed point.

22. There is a creepy skin flap women who needs to be moisturized. She is the last human.

23. Weeping angel statues are scary.

- Kara

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Feral Birthday

Last weekend was my birthday and it was awesome.

All the talk of birthdays got me thinking back on past birthdays and how my opinion of them has changed over the years.

When I was little, birthdays were the coolest thing since edible play dough. Not only did you get presents but the day was supposed to be all about you. You even got a themed party, though I was never very good at them, plus I always thought giving away all those awesome party favors was weird. It was my birthday after all, wasn't I the only one who was supposed to get presents?

But then, something I like to call "The Bella Swan Syndrome" began when I got into highschool. Birthdays got very uncool. It was horrifying if anyone outside the family wishes me happy birthday and utterly humiliating if your teacher said in front of the class.

Over the years I've settled somewhere in the middle, birthdays are a little awkward but they can be fun. Since starting college, this is what usually happens...

- Katie 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Weirdness from Krypton

My awesome mother gave me some funny looking appetizer sticks. Then something weird happened. 

- Katie

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Going into the Closet

I've had awesome closets in the past. Except for my first one. That one smelled like leather shoes and I was convinced it was inhabited by a family of mice.

But then we moved and I instantaneously fell in love with a certain room.

It was a hideaway type closet, perfect for escaping reality. As you can imagine, I was pretty devastated when my brother got dibs.

But a few years later, when the room situation shifted again, my dreams came true.

It was great, until I hit a growth spurt...

A few years later I switched rooms to one with a walk-in closet. This happened about the same time as we were watching Gilmore Girls, which gave me inspiration for my new closet.

I had a disco lamp, lava lamp, brightly colored pillows and a poorly made 'Do Not Enter' sign.

Eventually I realized that the more time I spent in the closet, the more stuff I missed. It was harder to eavesdrop and I kept missing the dinner call. And to be honest, most of the time I would have rather been playing video games anyway. 

Plus with all the pillows, it ended up turning into a great napping spot. 

- Katie