Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Feral Defined

We get asked this a lot. Really, we get asked this every time we describe ourselves as feral.

What do you mean by feral?

Basically, we just mean that we have no useful life skills, making our lives a little awkward and a lot amusing. For example...

Katie once made cookies without sugar. 

Anymore, instead of actually making cookies, we have concocted the lazier option, raw cookie dough.
We once had a debate over whether or not a substance was flour or powdered sugar... We never thought to taste it.

Ironing begs a similar internal debate to shaving legs. Is it really necessary?

Cleaning is a shameful point in our lives. 

Hi I'm Katie and I've only deep cleaned my room once. I've lived in it 8 years.

Hi I'm Kara and I'm a pack rat. I just found my 18th birthday balloon. I'm 24.  

And that, dear readers, is why we are feral. 

- The Sisters Kohrs

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