Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Feralest Years

There once was a time when I was far more feral than I am today. A time when it was commonplace to see me roaming the house on all fours, growling at people or monologuing to myself about the elusive creature I was observing.

I spent a chunk of my childhood pretending to be some manner of animal, bird, monkey, leopard, or some mythical combination of the three. I even frequently turned my bed into a nest, constructed from my plethora of stuffed animals.

All this mainly came from my obsession with Animal Planet. This was back in the day when I didn’t know what ‘internet’ was, when my family didn’t have cable TV, and I didn’t mind. I was entertained by Zoobooks, Ranger Rick and the Crocodile Hunter. I was pretty sure Steve Irwin and I were going to be partners someday.

Thankfully, I did eventually move onto other, less socially isolating obsessions like writing stories and playing video games. But the really disturbing thing is my formerly extensive knowledge of all things that creep and crawl still crops up every now and again.

But if I’m honest, a piece of my heart will always love nature and all the adorable and sometimes really weird things in it...

As long as it all stays out of my room and doesn’t touch me... then we're cool...


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