Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Halloween Fail

Halloween is coming up, which gets me thinking about obvious things. The most obvious thing being costumes.
My first costume that I can remember was a scarecrow and it was awesome. Another time, I was Galadriel from Lord of the Rings, which was also super cool, I had the big sleeves and everything.

The great thing about dressing up is that it’s an acceptable way to make terrible choices.

For example...
When I was about 10, I had an fantastic idea. I was obsessed with the TV show Kim Possible, about a bold redhead who fights crime. I actually had the entire Naked Mole Rap memorized.So, I decided to dress up as Kim for Halloween.
Now, this costume would be easy enough, green cargo pants, a black t-shirt, gloves, etc. But there was one problem.
I’m not a redhead.
Most people seem to use the spray-on hair color for Halloween, but I wasn't about to do this halfway. I decided to full on dye my hair red. After all, the box claimed that it would come out in 6 washes.

6 washes, my foot. More like 6 months. Most of my interactions with people for quite a while went something like this.

Lesson = Learned.

- Katie

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