Friday, September 13, 2013

Fear and the Feral Woman

 When I was very young, my brother told me that there were wolverines living in Nebraska. He had an informational animal card with a picture of a wolverine and a map showing the areas they inhabited. It included Nebraska. Before this I had heard a story about how incredibly fierce and dangerous they were so I was already prepared to fear them. 
Now I made the logical leap that native to Nebraska meant my backyard, and I began to watch for them. I was afraid to venture very far outside and when I did I would imagine that I saw one and run for the house. The once fun backyard became the terrifying hunting ground of the ruthless wolverine.
I’m not sure how long this fear lasted, in fact  I can’t remember the last time I walked outside expecting to be devoured by bloodthirsty wolverines. That’s one thing I like about Omaha. There aren't a lot of scary or dangerous creatures living here, not including the zoo. However, there still is one creepy and terrifying beast living here, often living in our very homes. The spider.
    Just mentioning it is making my skin crawl. I do not like spiders. Stupid gross maniacal little monsters. I dislike them so much that when I took creative writing I wrote a poem about them which I will not be sharing here. Why do I dislike them so much? Because they’re awful. They’ve attacked me in the bathroom, in the shower, in bed, while I’m eating, while I’m reading, and while I’m watching tv. 

They have exiled me from different parts of the house for weeks on end. I spent the last two nights on the couch because I’m afraid of the spider I saw in my room. This how our interactions usually go.

    I’ve heard many times that if I’d just kill them I wouldn't have to worry about them any more. In theory that's great. But I have some issues with the current methods of spider disposal.

  I do have some ideas of how this could be improved.
    But for now I’m left to fear spiders and flee, unless there is some brave benevolent person available to dispatch them.

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