Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Lameathon

Football season is here again. To us, that only means one thing.

Let the lameathons commence again.

You might be asking what a lameathon is or how it is more exciting than football. My response would be that most things are more exciting than football, in my opinion, while a lameathon is an event that has a rich and delightful backstory.

A few years ago, there were these things called video stores which have sadly become nearly extinct.

Darn you, Netflix, and your convenience.

At some of these video stores, they had a membership deal where you could get up to three movies at a time free. Kara and I used this a lot, thus establishing the set of three trend that would carry on.

When football season would crop up, our parents would go over to my brother’s house to watch the game on the big screen and Kara and I would have the entire night to our own devices. Thus, the lameathon was born.

Lameathons consist of three loosely related movies all watched in a row with weird snacks and bubbly juice. Generally, there are two movies that are really lame with the third being a little more exciting to keep things from going completely awry if the lame ones fail to amuse. Examples would be Brendan Fraser night, composed of George of the Jungle, Tarzan the Ape Man and The Mummy. Like I said, loosely related, and you may notice not all Brendan Fraser movies. That was a great night.

We’ve had some really entertaining nights such as vampire night with Van Helsing, Twilight and Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein. Then there was one with Neverending Story, Tron and something else I can’t remember.

And then there was the time with 2001 version of Planet of the Apes. Some movies are so lame that they can stop a lameathon in it’s tracks.

And here we are again! With hopes, dreams and wonderfully new lame material just waiting to be mocked, Lameathon season returns. (Suggestions for our lameathons are always welcome, of course).
Let the time of unparalleled lameness resume.
- Katie


  1. Hey, it's the other Kara! I didn't know you had a blog... I love your post! :) I'm not a football person either, so perhaps I will have to try out a lameathon sometime! ;)

  2. Hi Kara! It's good to hear from you! You should definitely try a lameathon sometime, it makes for some great fun and is a good excuse to get crazy snacks. :)
