Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kohrs Kamp 2.0

This past weekend was a mess of spontaneous awesome. A few days earlier, we made a mishmash plan with our friends Carolyn and Emily from Kansas.

It’s my opinion that the best of plans only take about five minutes and are just early enough to make the plan happen but not too early to let much planning happen. This was no exception.

The first night consisted of extensive goofy chatting, including a delightful episode of life interpretation.

Afterward, we proceeded to gather snacks to start the TV watching.
Unfortunately, in the past 2 months, I have developed a habit of spontaneously falling asleep at about midnight, if I’m even up that late. So when we started the TV portion of the trip, this happened.

Oddly enough, I continued to adjust the sound as needed in my sleep. I’m kind of a sound-Nazi, but that’s a story for another time.

Day 2 was filled with even more delight. Once we actually pull ourselves together, we headed out for donuts and shopping. Emily got an apple fritter that was bigger than her face.

It was amazing.

Later, we quickly returned home where this happened, condensed into about 15 minutes as we prepared to head to Kansas to return our friends to their family, in exchange for a hefty ransom.

And then something incredible began. But to find out what, you’ll have to return on Friday for Kara’s epic continuation of the epic tale.

- Katie

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