Friday, September 27, 2013

500 Miles....Or Maybe 200ish

This year has been the year of the How I Met Your Mother obsession. In this tv show the main character Ted is telling his children about, you guessed it, how he met their mother. Except it mostly consists of many seasons of their humorous adventures along the way. Katie and I and a bunch of our friends all started watching it and have devoured 8 seasons since around March.
In the show a cassette tape gets stuck in one of the character’s car and he ends up having the same song play over and over again for years, I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers.
We decided it would be funny to take a road trip and only listen to that song the entire way. We drove to Kansas City with Carolyn and Emily and we did listen to the song the entire way, but as is usually the case, expectations and reality did not match up.

Well, actually, the beginning of the trip went like I thought it would. We sang along and had a great time.
Expectation - Hour 1 - Me having a meltdown and trying to turn the music off.
Reality - Hour 1 - Us calmly snacking, and still enjoying the music.

Expectation - Hour 2 - Me tied up with duct tape so I couldn't turn off the music.

Reality - Hour 2 - The music has only gotten mildly annoying and no one has had a meltdown.

Expectation - Hour 3 - Katie, Emily and Carolyn are hating the music and freaking out.

Reality - Hour 3 - We started liking the music again and sang our way into Kansas City.
 - Kara


  1. We just got really hoarse by the end!

  2. Which really added something to your awesome man voice later that night :)
